English conversation groups. Speaking & playing. The best way to learn English.

We have created our own cards.

We have created our own cards.

We are great working in small groups!

We are great working in small groups!

Spending a nice hour speaking English!

... and the winner is....

… and the winner is….

Spending a nice hour speaking English!Once per week we work in small groups!
Pupils make cards by themselves about the vocabulary that we were studing previously. Then they have to speak about colours and objects that they have in their cards making sentences. This is a good way to start speaking English among them. They enjoy a lot with this kind of activities because they practice what they are learning.

¡Una vez a la semana nosotros trabajamos en pequeños grupos!
Los alumnos hacer tarjetas sobre el vocabulario que estudiamos previamente. Entonces ellos tienen que hablar sobre los colores y los objetos que tienen en sus tarjetas, haciendo frases. Esta es una buena forma de empezar a hablar inglés entre ellos. Ellos disfrutan mucho con este tipo de actividades porque practican lo que están aprendiendo.

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