El jueves 15 de marzo participamos en una actividad divertida e interesante en clase de drama.
El dios RA había perdido sus rayos y nosotros tuvimos que ayudarle a recuperarlos. Con nuestras linternas, y todos juntos, los fuimos recuperando uno a uno.
Para nuestra sorpresa, había un mensaje para nosotros:
“El poder de la luz está en nuestros corazones. Nosotros somos el Sol”
In Ancient Egypt, Ra is very worried because he has lost his twelve rays of sunlight. He does not know where he has put them.
Crying, he has asked us to help him find and collect them to give him back. He really needs them.
Without hesitating, we have accepted the mission. With our torches, and all together, we have recovered the twelve of them, one by one.
Surprisingly, there was message for us:
“The power of light is in our hearts. We are the Sun”
