Christmas December 2021, Grade 5

During December, grade 5 students have been working hard to get ready everything before going home the 22nd of December.

First, they designed their Christmas Cards and entered the school Christmas card contest. Congratulations to Daichi (grade 5 C) and to Adriana (grade 5 A), they were the winners in grade 5.

Daichi Grade 5 C
Adrinana Grade 5 A

Special thanks to our grade 5 student Xuan-Zheng, who was willing to help his classmates to write «Merry Christmas» in Chinese!!

Click on the picture to check out more Christmas Cards!!

Apart from that, they also decorated their corridor creating an amazing winter landscape full of icicles!!

Tap the pic to see more!!

On the 22nd of December, students built their own Christmas ornament in the shape of a glittery snowflake. It took some time and a great amount of patience but they made it!!

See more images of the activity by tapping the photo!

Finally, they had some hot chocolate thanks to the APYMA and sang and danced with the rest of the school students. They really had a great time!!

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Interpretación de Kamishibai en 5ºC

Este lunes 20 de diciembre, varias aulas de la escuela recibieron la visita de las alumnas de 6ºA, Cristina y Ane para disfrutar de la interpretación del kamishibai japonés traducido al castellano titulado «El pincel mágico».

Dichas alumnas, acompañadas de Carmen Aldama, deleitaron a los estudiantes con una historia perfectamente narrada, además de responder a todas las preguntas que les hizo su audiencia. Tanto Cristina, como Ane y la misma Carmen, animaron a todos los estudiantes a participar en los talleres que se llevan a cabo las tardes de los jueves y viernes en San Juan de la Cadena.

Pinchando en la foto se pueden ver más imágenes del momento.

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FORUM THEATRE: «The 4th Musketeer»

On Monday the 13th of December, grade 4th, 5th, and 6th students enjoyed watching the play «The 4th Musketeer».

The story is set in the 17th century, in the year 1650 more or less, near the city of Paris. By the hand of two funny troubadours, the story of a young man whose greatest dream is becoming one of King Louis XIII’s Musketeers is told. His name, D’Artagnan. His best virtue, honesty. He is a brave swordsman, willing to fight against evil and injustice.

His adventure begins when he decides to leave his village to go to Paris. But the path to become a King’s Musketeer won’t be easy. He will have to fight the wicked Cardinal Richelieu, who covets the power of Paris, and the beautiful Milady Winter, a lady as dangerous as she is charming.

An adventure where the famous phrase makes sense: «One for all, all for one».

Click on the picture to see more images and videos.

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Euskara irratia

Clicar en la foto para escuchar los audios

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Simple Machines Experiments

As part of the natural sciences didactic unit, Machines and Inventions, grade 5 students have experimented building machines in order to demonstrate how using them affect the force used to lift up weight.

The simple machines used were the following: inclined plane, pulley, lever, wheel and axle.

Students also learnt that the unit to measure force is called: Newton (N).

In their experiments they used a spring scale to measure the force used.

Click on the picture to check out more images and videos

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Traperos de Emaús – Sesión On-line

Este jueves día 11 de noviembre las tres clases de 5º de E.P. recibieron una sesión online de parte de los Traperos Emaús titulada «Los tesoros de Emaús».

En ella, se les planteó la siguiente cuestión:

¿Llamarías residuo a todo lo que ya no necesitas?

Para darle respuesta, visitaron virtualmente el nuevo Centro de preparación para la reutilización y el reciclaje de voluminosos, ropa, electrodomésticos, electrónica y otros miles de objetos de los Traperos de Emaús, y además, conocer cómo dan una segunda vida a todos ellos.

También buscaron alternativas para convertir el modelo de consumo de usar y tirar en un modelo de retorno circular.

Pincha en la foto para ver más imágenes de la charla.

Y, como finalización, los estudiantes están diseñando un invento en la clase de ciencias, que sirva para hacer el trabajo de los traperos más fácil.

Pincha en la foto para ver más imágenes y vídeos.

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Halloween Grade 5, October 2021

This Halloween our grade 5 students faced the challenge of solving the mysteries present in the escape room «The Haunted School». During the challenge, they worked in small groups to finish every step so they could get their prize.

They finish the session by creating a mummy with their own monster pictures.

Click here to play the game.

Click on the image to check out more pictures.

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Colour Eye-Wheel

In this art project, grade 5 students made colour-wheels using watercolours. Then changed the shape of the wheel into an oval so it looked like an eye. They added a black circle as a pupil and as many eyelashes as they wanted. Finally, they glued everything on bright colour paper and made a label with their names.

Click on the picture to check out the result.

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Grade 5 Elections

At the end of the social sciences unit of politics, students created their own political parties and decided what to include in their political manifestos. They also created posters with their ideas

Every political party gave a speech to explain what were their promises if they were chosen. The 3 classes held their own elections and the winners were decided. As they were real, there was a ballot box and two students were in charge of calling students (the eldest) and writing down the votes (the youngest).

Click on the picture to see more images.

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Comparing Places

One of the skills grade 5 students are learning is how to compare two places. First, they watched a video about Venice, after that, they chose another place to compare using ven diagrams.

Click on the photo to check some pics.

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